Thursday, 16 May 2013

How to merge the cells in Spreadsheet?

How to merge the cells in Spreadsheet?

Type the data into the cells..
For example type the data into A1, B1,C1:
Then highlight those cells and then goto the menu HOME and then go to Alignment panel there click on the icon merge and center.
That icon has some more options check them out.
Before merging:

After merging:

Spread Sheet

   Excel worksheet:         

               In this section we are going to learn the purpose of Microsoft Excel software and the purpose of the spreadsheet. Here the spread sheet also called as worksheet.

What is a Spreadsheet?
A spreadsheet is a piece of software for handling and manipulating numbers. You can write numbers down on a piece of paper and add them up. Like this:
45 =
But that's not a spreadsheet. However, if you bought Microsoft Excel and entered the same numbers into the software, you'd have a spreadsheet. The best part about a spreadsheet is - you don't have to do any adding up yourself! The program will add the numbers up for you.
A spreadsheet doesn't only add up, of course. It can do a whole lot more besides simple arithmetic. It can handle financial calculations, statistical information, and do complex trigonometry. And it can make a pretty graph for you.